Here’s a small blog post today to inspire you to take action!
During my three years as an online shop owner, I’ve gotten in touch with incredible people. I’ve had some customers who got our PLR Templates Pack to start their own shop and talking to them I discovered little bits about their lives.
And the truth is: Most of us don’t have it easy when we start. One of my clients is a single mom. She desperately wanted to give her baby a better life and be able to spend more time with her. So she got the PLR templates package to make that happen. It was scary, she told me. But the determination to make it happen was much bigger. She wanted to change her reality and take control.
And I also had another client who unluckily got laid off and decided to start her own shop. It stated going well and her imagination ran wild. She opened a second shop, she started creating memberships, etc.
It’s admirable!
I’ve come to realise that ‘need’ is the biggest trigger for change. When people find themselves in a situation of despair or when they hate their current reality for some reason, they are motivated to do something to change it.
Therefore, the biggest problem and our biggest enemy is conformity. And not the type of conformity where you learn to be grateful about what you have and you are content with your life, but rather the one that makes you lower your standards and get used to a reality that yo don’t actually like. That sort of conformity if our everyday’s enemy, preventing us from levelling up our lives.
So I want to ask you today: Are you truly happy and content or are you just being conform?
Are you aware about the things you need to change in you life to make it better? And if you are, what’s stopping you from reaching your goals?
And now, ask yourself: What can I do today to make it happen?
Even if it’s only a 1% improvement, only action will take you there. And 1% everyday can bring you to the end point you are looking for. So don’t underestimate action.
Even if you have little idea of what you are doing, just do it! Nike’s slogan is really for people who are not afraid of doing things and figuring them out during the process. Learn, fail, pivot, try again, succeed. That’s what it’s about.